Sunday, January 31, 2010

The True Karmalot Renegades are on YouTube

The True Karmalot Renegades have launched their own channel on YouTubeTM. The channel will be used to show videos from the various soical events organised for team members and will also feature the team in action playing En Garde.

The first video featured is from the recent True Karmalot Renegades Dance Party.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Meet the Renegades Bimbo Cheerleaders Team

A reminder that on 17 January 2010 between 3pm to 5pm (SLT) will be the first dance held for the members of the True Karmalot Renegades. All members are welcome, and may bring a guest with them.

It will also mark the debut of the Renegades Bimbo Cheerleaders Team
We look forward to seeing you all there and a great party under the controls of DJ Memory Spore.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The True Karmalot Renegades Dance

On Sunday 17 January 2010 from 3pm to 5pm (SLT), the True Karmalot Renegades will be holding a party. Memory Spore will be the DJ and it will be a great opportunity to meet your fellow team members.

The party will also see the launch of the "Renegade Bimbo Cheerleading Team" under the captaincy of Ann.

There will also be a surprise for the team members that have reached the ranks of Marauder.

The party will be held at the Love Above Pavillion, Banyan (156, 11, 95). Look forward to seeing you all there.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Free True Karmalot Renegades team T-shirts

The True Karmalot Renegades are pleased to announce that free team T-shirts are now available at the castle. They can be obtained from behind the En Garde track.
There is a choice of three colours: pink, white and yellow. Pick up your free T-shirt today.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Welcome to the True Karmalot Renegades

The True Karmalot Renegades are an En Garde club in Second LifeTM.

The True Karmalot Rengades are those who truly fence by the motto of...
Semper Bona Fides
(Honour and Loyalty above all else)

meaning not just that we duel honourably, but also with an understanding that includes making everyone feel welcome.